Melhor crescimento e sanidade nas plantas. Os bioativadores são substâncias que estimulam o crescimento e a saúde das plantas, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes e fortalecendo as defesas naturais das culturas contra estresses bióticos e abióticos..
The inoculation of seeds is a biotechnological process by which two different types of living creatures come together: a microsymbiont (rhizobium) and a macrosymbiont (seed of a legume plant). After the union, the common structure developed is called the nodule. It is there where the beneficiary processes for both parts take place. The legume is the carbonated source needed by the microorganism and the rhizobium provides the nitrogen needed to produce proteins.
Con nuestros programas de investigación y desarrollo logramos seleccionar microorganismos muy específicos que se asocian con las plantas para potenciar la productividad de un cultivo.
Through our investigative and manufacturing programs we are able to select very specific microorganisms that can associate with the plants to enhance the productivity of the crop.
The development of the crop is greatly conditioned by the availability of nitrogen. Legumes, like soybean, because of its high protein content, must accumulate great quantities of this nutrient (nitrogen) and it cannot be only supplied by the soil. Through inoculation, the Biological Nitrogen Fixation provides a great part of the total nitrogen needed to obtain good growth and quality grains that have a high protein concentration.
Some crops, such as soybeans, peas, beans, alfalfa, clover, and peanuts have the ability to create a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in order to capture atmospheric nitrogen. These bacteria, known as rhizobia, are important soil microorganisms. When legumes are incorporated into agricultural systems, it is important to make sure that a rhizobia strain is present that can associate with that specific legume. We are experts in strain selection, propagation, and packaging under strict quality assurance standards are your best assurances of superior nitrogen fixation and increased crop yields. In 1989, Rizobacter was the first company to develop liquid-based inoculants. This development proved to be a significant advance in seed treatment. Our inoculants contain strains that are scientifically selected for their specificity, infectivity, and effectiveness in biologically fixing nitrogen. Inoculants are usually marketed as a single product or in packs that combine the inoculant with a seed care product and a bacterial protector for seed treatment. It is this combination which heightens efficiency in inoculation, improves pathogen and pest control, and optimizes seed nutrition.